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PCRN Forum (Webinar) - 14 December 2023 - "Realist evaluation research–what it is and how to use it to support practice in palliative and end-of-life care"

Dr Peter O’Halloran (QUB, UK) presents the main concepts underlying “realist” evaluation using examples from palliative and end-of-life care research, and considers how this approach can help support clinical practice. This webinar was recorded on 14 December 2023 in Melbourne.


PCRN Forum (Webinar) - 25 November 2021 - “Partnering with consumers to improve palliative care”

This discussion with Stacey Panozzo, Joanne Britto, Christine Hofmeyer and Avi Paluch reflect on opportunities for consumer and community involvement (CCI) in palliative care and share a new program of work that seeks to explore, develop and implement a program to enhance CCI in palliative care in Australia.

A recording of the forum is available to view here.


PCRN Forum - 28 August 2018 - "A Little Bit of Money Goes a Long Way"

The Palliative Care Research Network held a Forum on "A Little Bit of Money Goes a Long Way" on August 28th 2018. Three PCRN small project grant recipients - Ms Allison Drosdowsky (Researcher, Statistics and Research Methodology, Department of Cancer Experiences Research, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, VIC), Dr Justin Dwyer (Medical Director, Department of Psychosocial Cancer Care, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, VIC), and Dr Clare O’Callaghan (Research Associate, Department of Palliative and Supportive Care, Cabrini Health, VIC) - presented on the background and rationale for their research, methodologies employed, results and implications for clinical practice, as well how they have responded to the research challenges which they have encountered.

Writing for Publication Workshop - 20 June 2018

The Writing for Publication Workshop was held on Wednesday 20th June 2018. This workshop was a joint initiative between the Palliative Care Research Network (PCRN), Victorian Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner Collaborative (VPCNPC) and the Victorian Palliative Medicine Training Program (VPMTP), and provided practical guidance to participants on how they can transform their work into publication for a peer reviewed journal.

PCRN Forum - 30 November 2017

Professor Lindy Willmott from Queensland University of Technology, QLD presented on "Community members’ knowledge of and perceptions about the role of law at the end of life: Some empirical findings" at the recent PCRN Forum on 30 November 2017.
This presentation reports on preliminary findings of empirical research into knowledge of community members about the law, as well as their perceptions about the role that law plays at the end of life.

PCRN Pre-Colloquium Workshop - 26 October 2017

The PCRN hosted a Breakfast Workshop entitled "Communicating Research to A Lay Audience” at the 5th Australian Palliative Care Research Colloquium on Thursday 26 October 2017. This session provided insights on how you could communicate your research to the general public in a language that is understandable to those who don’t work in the medical field. In this interactive workshop, Sasha Petrova and Molly Glassey from The Conversation, VIC, took the participants through how to pitch their research to The Conversation. Download the program of the day here.

PCRN Forum - 1 March 2017

Ms Sasha Petrova from The Conversation, VIC presented on Communicating research to a lay audience at the PCRN Forum on 1 March 2017.

An audio recording of the Forum presentation is now available for listening here.

A PDF copy of the presentation is available for download here.

PCRN Pre-Colloquium Workshop - 27 October 2016

The PCRN hosted a Workshop entitled ‘Analyse This!’ at the 4th Australian Palliative Care Research Colloquium on Thursday 27 October 2016. This session provided insights from experienced researchers on the best strategies for collecting, organising and analysing both quantitative and qualitative datasets. Three early career researchers also presented their research queries to a panel of experts for advice. Download the program of the day here.

PCRN Concept Development Workshop - 26 August 2016

The 2016 PCRN Concept Development Workshop was held on the 26th August 2016 and it was well-received. The workshop provided participants with the opportunity to develop their palliative care - related research ideas into research proposals.  With input and guidance from their mentors and other senior palliative care researchers, workshop participants were able to develop their research concept, assess feasibility, discuss different methodologies, demystify the process of submitting ethics applications, learn how to develop a realistic budget, and network with other researchers who are also interested in conducting palliative care research.

The four workshop participants were: Ms Karen Conte (Consortium Manager, Eastern Metropolitan Region Palliative Care Consortium, VIC), Dr Susan Fletcher (Bereavement Family Support Worker, Eastern Palliative Care, VIC), Ms Jennifer Lowe (PhD student, Monash University, VIC), and Ms Elizabeth Jarman (Registered Nurse, Austin Health, VIC).

PCRN Forum - 20 July 2016

The Palliative Care Research Network held a Forum on “So what have we learned?” Research updates from our two PCRNV PhD scholarship awardees on 20 July 2016. Two early career researchers and PCRNV PhD Scholarship Recipients - Ms Lucy Forrest (Senior Clinician Music Therapist, Monash Health) and Dr Natasha Smallwood (Consultant Respiratory Physician, Royal Melbourne Hospital) - presented on the background and rationale for their research, methodologies employed, results, implications for clinical practice and identifying/ resolving the research challenges which they have encountered.

A video recording of the Forum presentation is now available for viewing here.

A PDF copy of the presentation is available for download here.

PCRNV Forum - 24 February 2016

Dr R Sean Morrison from the National Palliative Care Research Center, USA, presented on Research into practice: how can it be done systematically and effectively at the recent PCRNV Forum on 24 February 2016. The forum focused on highlighting strategies for implementing the latest palliative care evidence into practice. The event was well attended – with approximately 100 webinar participants.

A video recording of the presentation is now available for viewing here.

PCRNV Researchers Breakfast Forum: Recruitment, Implementation and Career Development - 22 Oct 2015

Fifty six delegates from across Australia and New Zealand came together at the Researchers Breakfast Forum on Recruitment, Implementation and Career Development. The forum was a part of the 3rd Australian Palliative Care Research Colloquium and was sponsored and facilitated by the PCRNV. The well-received forum provided delegates with insights from a diverse group of palliative care researchers, including Professor Philip Larkin – the President of the European Association for Palliative Care and Professor of Clinical Nursing Palliative Care, University College Dublin & Our Lady’s Hospice and Care, Ireland. The Breakfast Forum also provided early career researchers with a networking opportunity with senior palliative care clinicians and researchers.

The session was opened by Soula Ganiatsas, the PCRNV Program Manager. Highlights of the event included the following topics and presenters:

  • Creating a Centre for Research Excellence: Strategies, Considerations and Reflections
  • Presented by Professor Patsy Yates, Head, School of Nursing, Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, Queensland University of Technology and Director, Centre for Palliative Care Research and Education, Queensland Health; President of Palliative Care Australia
  • Managing recruitment in clinical trials
  • Presented by Belinda Fazekas, National Project Officer, Palliative Care Clinical Studies Collaborative.
  • Accessing varied patient voices in qualitative palliative care research
  • Presented by Dr Clare O'Callaghan, Music Therapist, Caritas Christi Hospice, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne & Senior Research Associate in Palliative Care, Cabrini Health, Australia.
  • Challenges in carer recruitment
  • Presented by Professor Samar Aoun, Professor of Palliative Care, Curtin University, Perth, WA

The breakfast session wrapped up with a panel discussion/Q&A session with all of the speakers, and Professor Philip Larkin chairing the panel.

PCRNV Concept Development Workshop - 15 Sept 2015                             

The Palliative Care Research Network Victoria held its second Concept Development Workshop  on the 15th September 2015. The workshop provided participants with the  opportunity to develop their palliative care - related research ideas into concept outlines with a view to writing future grant proposals and ethics applications.  With input and guidance from their mentors and other senior palliative care researchers, workshop participants were able to develop their research concept, assess feasibility, discuss different methodologies  and learn on how to develop a  research budget. The three workshop participants were: Ms Jan Mcilwraith, Massage Therapist, Caritas Christi Hospice, Kew; Dr Ha Tran, Palliative Medicine Advance Trainee, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, East Melbourne; and Ms Wendy Stephens, Practice Development Nurse, Caritas Christi Hospice, Kew.

PCRNV Forum - 25 Aug 2015

Professor Marion Haas from the Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation (CHERE) based at the University of Technology Sydney presented on "At What Cost?" Collecting data for costing clinical research interventions at the PCRNV Forum on 25th August 2015.

The session served as a practical ‘hands-on’ guide that get participants thinking about how they might introduce health economic costings and analyses into their next research proposal. This dynamic session enabled participants to learn about:

  • Why health economic costing is increasingly important;
  • What kind of data to collect;
  • Where to access costing data;
  • What types of analyses are relevant to your research;
  • How to budget for health economic analyses;
  • Collaborating with health economists.

A copy of the presentation is available for download here.